Modern Day Slavery

Modern slavery is a brutal crime affecting thousands in the UK and millions around the world.

It is where a person is brought to or moved around the country by others who threaten, frighten or hurt them, and force them into work or into other things that they do not want to do.

Modern slavery is a term used to describe:

  • human trafficking, slavery, forced labour and domestic servitude
  • slavery practices such as debt bondage, the sale or exploitation of children and forced marriage.

Victims are in situations of exploitation, controlled by deception, threats and violence. 

The UK government has introduced the Modern Slavery Act 2015 to combat this crime and protect the victims. 

By clicking on the appropriate logo, you will be taken straight to the advice page.

Safer Derbyshire

We are working in partnership to look into the effects of organised crime, which includes immigration crime, modern slavery and exploitation.


We work across Derby and Derbyshire providing long term support to adults who are recovering from the impact of Modern Slavery.

Derby City Council

If you are worried about, or suspect that a person may be a potential victim of modern slavery of trafficking in Derby, please click on the logo to find contact details and further information.

Nottinghamshire Victim Care

We help victims of crime and anti-social behaviour. If you have been affected, you can access our free, independent and confidential service – even if the crime did not happen recently or you did not report it to the police. 

We provide support for all victims of any crime, apart from those who have experienced domestic or sexual abuse, and can offer support for all ages. Referrals can be made by police, professional agencies or by getting in contact with us directly.

Nottinghamshire Police

If you think modern slavery is happening, tell someone as soon as you think it’s safe to. This could be about a victim, a suspect, or a particular business or place. You will always be taken seriously, and protection and support is available.

Voice of Hope

Voice of Hope is a charity based in Staffordshire that raises awareness of Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking. 

Victims of Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking can be men, women and children who are treated as commodities, held in constant fear and experiencing unimaginable abuse to profit perpetrators.

Voice of Hope is dedicated to doing its part to eradicate this social atrocity, offering free awareness training to the general public, across the sectors and within the business community.

Derbyshire Safeguarding Adults Board

The Derby and Derbyshire Modern Slavery Partnership supports and enables the discovery of, and response to incidents of modern slavery through a victim-centred, all-encompassing and community-based approach.

The partnership has produced guidance for responding to adult and child victims of modern slavery, which is intended to provide clear and up-to-date information on the key facts and to help staff recognise the signs and respond effectively. The modern slavery practice guidance is available to download and read from the Safer Derbyshire website.