Gang Related Support

Being part of a gang can provide young people with protection, friendship, money, and status. A gang can be a group of mates from the same school, same area or that just chill together. Some gangs take part in criminal activity and might try to get you involved. Being involved in a gang can be life threatening.

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Catch22 works nationally to address the multiple and complex issues that can lead to gang involvement. People engage best with a service that operates flexibly, so we offer a responsive and needs-led service, focusing not on the behaviour but its cause.


We have advice about how to spot the signs of criminal exploitation and involvement in gangs and what support is available for children and young people. 

Runaway Helpline

Some gangs take part in criminal activity and might try to get you involved. Being involved in a gang can be life threatening.

If you become worried about the kind of things your gang is doing, or if they are trying to pressure you into doing things you don’t want to do such as crime, you may be scared and want to run away to escape it. If you are part of a gang and want to get good advice from people who understand, there are organisations you can reach out to who will not judge you.

Family Lives

Learn how to recognise if your child is part of a gang and understand-

What is a gang?  Weapons and violence, the law, why a young person may join a gang and what can you do to keep children safe from gangs.


A gang can be a group of mates who hang around together. But some gangs are involved in crime. Sometimes gangs are violent and might fight other gangs or carry weapons. If you’re being forced to join a gang you should tell someone about it, or call Childline.


Fearless is the dedicated youth service from independent charity Crimestoppers, it provides young people with the opportunity to give information about crime 100% anonymously.

Fearless empowers young people to speak up about crime by

  • Promoting our unique service to speak up about crime 100% anonymously
  • Raising awareness of what constitutes a crime
  • Breaking down the barriers to reporting crime

Ivison Trust

Ivison Trust (formerly Pace) is a national charity working to keep children safe from exploitation by supporting their parents, disrupting the exploiters and working in partnership with police and family services. We also train professionals to support affected children and their parents using a trauma-informed, family-centric approach.

Our free e-learning courses provides parents, carers and professionals information about child sexual exploitation (CSE) and also gives introductory information about how children are groomed and criminally exploited.


Got Your Back

If you are under 18 and either you or one of your friends has been a victim of crime, we are here to help.